Just Love – 101 Red Roses Bouquet AED 769.00
This red rose bouquet consists of 101 premium red roses wrapped in red paper and tied with a natural raffia knot.
Lovely Pink – Bouquet of 101 Pink Roses AED 769.00
The product consists of a bouquet of 101 pink roses wrapped in pink eco paper and tied with a pink ribbon.
Memorable Moments – White and Red Roses in Heart Shape AED 529.00
This product consists of 30 white roses and 30 red roses arranged in heart shape.
Mix Your Love AED 699.00
The Product Consist Of A Bunch of 100pc Mixed Roses Wrapped In A Red Eco Paper
Mystic Red – Red Rose Bouquet with Black Wrap AED 849.00
This red rose bouquet consists of 100 Roses wrapped in black eco paper tied with the red ribbon.
Pink Kiss – 100 Pink Roses in A Heart Shape AED 899.00
This product consists of 100 pink roses arranged in a heart shape with ruscus.
Romantic Combo AED 575.00
Heart Shape Arrangement of 40 Red Roses with Happy Birthday Balloon and 1kg Chocolate Cake
Romantic Roses AED 830.00
The Product Consist Of
- 90 Red Roses
- 10 Gold Sprayed Roses
- Black Paper Wrap
- Natural Rafia Knot
She’s Lovely – Red and White Rose Arrangements AED 569.00
This product consists of 45 red and 45 white roses each arranged in a wooden plate.
True Romance – 100 Pink Roses in Heart Shape AED 899.00
This Pink Roses in Heart Shape product consists of 100 Pink Roses arranged in heart shape.
Twilight Serenity – 101 White Roses Bouquet AED 769.00
This white roses bouquet consists of a bunch of 101 White Roses bouquet wrapped in satin eco paper.
Valentine Cuteness – Heart Shaped Rose Box with Chocolates AED 575.00
The product consist of heart-shaped box arrangement with 55 red roses and 60 pieces of Ferrero Rocher chocolates.
You Are Mine – 100 Red Roses in a Vase AED 899.00
This product consists of 100 red roses arranged in a vase with steel grass and massangeana leaves.